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10 Mind-Bending Documentaries About Art, Creativity And Design

One of the best ways to explore the creative minds of artists, entrepreneurs and designers is by watching documentaries.

Hearing the stories of these artistic individuals and seeing them in action can be hugely inspiring and also help you develop more confidence in your own creative abilities.

If you want to watch some of the best documentaries about artists, creativity, and design then here are 10 documentary films that you can freely stream online:

1. Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix may change the way you think about creativity, originality, and copyright. This documentary film by Kirby Ferguson has been viewed over two million times and produced a popular TED Talk.


2. PressPausePlay

The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities. But has this democratized digital culture resulted in better art or is true creative talent being drowned out?


3. Raising Creativity

How can we nurture creativity in education? The Raising Creativity documentary project answers the why, who, how, what, and now what about creativity in education.


4. Teaching To See

An insightful educational documentary about Igne Druckrey’s work as a designer and educator teaching people how to look more deeply at the world and use visualization to better design and draw.


5. Design the New Business

Design and business can no longer be thought of as distinct activities with individual goals. This documentary film is dedicated to investigating how designers and businesspeople are working together in new ways to solve the wicked problems facing business today.


6. Influencers: How Trends and Creativity Become Contagious

Influencers is a short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends and creativity become contagious today in music, fashion, and entertainment.


7. Infamy Graffiti Documentary

Infamy is a visual storytelling journey into the dangerous lives and obsessed minds of six of America’s most prolific graffiti artists. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Doug Pray who teamed up with writer, publisher, and graffiti guru Roger Gastman.


8. RiP! A Remix Manifesto

Join filmmaker Brett Gaylor and mashup artist Girl Talk as they explore copyright and content creation in the digital age and dissect the media landscape of the 21st century.


9. Connecting: Trends in UI, Interaction, & Experience Design

This short documentary film explores the future of Interaction Design and User Experience (UX) from some of the industry’s thought leaders.


10. The Genius Of Design

A documentary series from the BBC that explores typography, graphic design, and global visual culture. See how design has progressed in the modern age.

Enjoy the films!

Kyle Pearce

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